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Pet Preparedness Month

Pet Preparedness Month

In an emergency — do you have a plan for your four-legged best friend?

From wildfires to floods, the world’s climate is forcing us to rethink what it means to be prepared. Whether you’ve already packed a go-bag or not — it’s time to learn how to prepare for a disaster with a dog in tow.

Below, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about preparing yourself and your dog in an emergency.

Why Plan in the First Place?

When you buy or adopt a dog — you’re their guardian.

Having a dog is a commitment and responsibility, which is why you need to have a plan if there’s a sudden problem. Being prepared makes it easier to evacuate in the event of a disaster.

Your action plan will save you time — the element between moments of life and death. Ultimately, your preparedness can save your dog’s life and your own.

Below, we’ll discuss various types of emergencies that you should begin planning for.

Prepare for Wildfires


As summer months become hotter and drier due to climate change, wildfires are rising.

If you live on the West Coast (Southwest or Mountain West) — you’ve likely been affected by direct fire danger or smoke. Therefore, you must prepare your fire plan before a fire begins barreling your way.

Dogs are extremely perceptive, and the smell of smoke will immediately give rise to alarm. By having a go-bag and a plan, you can quickly evacuate the area until it’s safe to return.

Prepare for Floods and Landslides

Although some areas are becoming drier, other regions are receiving more rain in the form of increased hurricane activity.

Flood and landslide danger is a genuine threat in many locations in the USA. From one moment to the next, flash floods can separate you and your furry friend in a matter of moments.

Therefore, understanding the potential threat and packing the necessary equipment will keep you and your dog safe and dry in the event of a flood.

Prepare for Earthquakes

Earthquakes are rare but formidable disasters in the United States.

The worst scenario is if your dog bolts at the first sign of an earthquake. Therefore, you must have all the necessary equipment to handle your dog while taking cover.

As long as you’ve prepared multiple go-bags within close reach, you’ll quickly have the step-by-step plan after the earthquake passes.

Prepare for Tornadoes

Unlike floods and fires, tornadoes will force you to seek shelter underground.

If you live in tornado alley — you need to be fully prepared. However, you’ll need to ensure you have everything your dog needs, especially if you’re in your basement for multiple hours.

Emergency Item List for Your Dog in Any Situation

Although each disaster poses specific risks, you should pack away a go-bag containing these items to ensure your dog's safety.

Harness and Leash

Although you likely already have a harness and leash for your dog — you’ll want to pack away a spare set in a go-bag.

In a sudden emergency, you may forget where specific items are. Furthermore, searching the house for items wastes valuable time.

Therefore, having a spare harness and leash in a go-bag in a conspicuous location in your home is ideal.

 D Oh Gee CBD packed Dog bites, chews and oil drops

It’s safe to say that your dog will be hungry and scared in the event of an emergency.

Therefore, having a small bag of dog food packed in a go-bag is a wise choice. Furthermore, packing D Oh Gee CBD dog chewies is an excellent method to keep your dog calm.

Sky Wellness offers a wide range of CBD dog chewies, such as their D Oh Gee product line. From Daily Turkey Chewies to CBD Oil for Dogs, your dog will have access to calming CBD that tastes delicious.

Spare Collar With Contact Information

Additionally, your go-bag should contain a spare dog collar with contact information if you and your dog are separated.

Although your dog should always wear a collar, it may be lost in the shuffle of a disaster. Therefore, always have a backup that you can put on your dog to ensure they can be located if you’re somehow separated.


Your Dog’s Medical Records

Whether your dog has a medical condition or not — you should always have multiple copies of your dog's medical records, such as:

  • Vaccination details
  • Age
  • Breed
  • Treatment history/plans

Ultimately, these documents are crucial if you must evacuate to a new location.

Your Dog’s Medicine and First Aid

If your dog requires prescription or OTC medicine — you should pack your dog’s go-bag with it.

Depending on the emergency, you may not have access to a veterinarian or drug store. Therefore, you must plan and have necessary first-aid and medicinal products ready.

How to Keep Your Dog Calm During an Emergency

Dogs are incredibly sensitive — especially when there’s an ongoing disaster.

Therefore, you need to keep your dog calm. One of the best methods to calm a dog during stressful situations is with CBD.

CBD is known to relax dogs by decreasing anxiety and depression. Ultimately, CBD assists dogs with relaxation, a crucial necessity during natural or human-caused disasters.

Luckily, Sky Wellness offers the D Oh Gee line — CBD-packed dog treats and oil. Dogs can’t get enough of Bacon Flavored Dog Oil Drops. Additionally, no dog can resist the delicious flavor of Daily Turkey Chewies or Duck & Pumpkin Bites.

By packing your go-bags with D Oh Gee Dog Treats by Sky Wellness, you can rest assured that your best friend is relaxed in an emergency.